The Grid and other
design fundamentals

Clock Mini IconAugust 21st, 2008 written by

Here you can see the basic grid of the icons.

All icons are designed in 32 x 32 Pixel and have a minimum stroke strength of 2 Pixel.
The minimum stroke strength is necessary to ease the scale down of the icons to 16 x 16 Pixel.
Which exactly means 16 is the half of 32 and if you half 2 Pixel, 1Pixel is still there.

All icons are black and has to adapted by the developer, because color has his own meaning in his specified environment. So it is up to you to ease the way finding for your purpose. And of course color could change the tonality you try to communicate.

All icon have are transparent. After testing the icons on this blog and several other applications I came to the point that a white background is harder to handle, than a transperent one. In case of a hover or a none white background the icons become to dominant. And on antialiased edges it is easier to add an background, than removing it. That´s why I decided for a transparent background.

The badges still have a white background, but in the final version this will change.

… list going to be extended

Glamshinyglitter Icons
I can even see myself

Clock Mini IconAugust 14th, 2008 written by

By the way this icon-set will not be a 3D beveled
Ps-paintings. Just good old pictograms.

3 Parts of my diploma

Clock Mini IconJuly 28th, 2008 written by

1. A large extendable set of icons.

2. Motiongraphics Clips with icons about the history of the Internet…

Images from

3. A website for the download and promotion of the iconset.

There is also a 4th 5th and so on part. But this will depend on the time beeing left at the end of my diploma.

Hello World

Clock Mini IconJuly 28th, 2008 written by

Each Story digital starts with a Hello World.

This blog is part of my diploma. My intension is to design a open pictorial language, which can be used and modified by everyone. This shall be my part to the standardization of the world wide web and a step ahead to the semiotic web.

The result of my diploma will be an extendable icon-set for people making graphical user interfaces, explaining complex issues with diagrams and whatever they want to do with.

If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.

download icon picol PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014

PICOL generator - Mashup icon PICOL generator
by Alessandro Gubitosi

PICOL-Icons made
by Melih Bilgil

All icons are licensed under the Creative Commons-License BY-SA

cc picol icons