After the presentation “Creative Commons: What every Educator needs to know” Rodd Lucier interviewed me on PICOL for the Teacher 2.0 podcast.
I´m sorry for the uhhhs and mhhhs. Normally my English is not that bad and weird
– I was a bit nervous.
Thanks to Rodd, who took the time to make this interview. I hope you like it.
Today I found this very nice presentation by Rodd Lucier, where he gives an insight into Creative Commons content and tools. He also mentions the PICOL icons – thanks for that. Have fun watching it.
Finally I finished all PICOL-Icons in 32×32 Pixel. It took quite a long time, because of the total number of 517 icons. All icons had to be cleaned up, due to anti-aliasing problems, that occured at the conversion from vector to pixel files. Thanks to Barbara, who helped me cleaning the icons.
After I´ve finished some stuff I´ve to do right now, I´ll continue with the 16×16 Pixel version of the icons.
2008 is coming to its end. I finished my diploma sucessfully and I´m very happy with it. After 6 months of hard work I will take a break for about 2 weeks. Before I do that I wanted to thank some people who helped me to realize PICOL and the documentary animation “The history of the Internet”. For the programming of I want to thank Christoph Leva and Taro Franke who now finished their great website And of course Kay Märthesheimer and Andreas Münch. For the animation I want to thank Steve Taylor (Speaker), Matthias Grübel (Music) and Karla Vesenmayer (Translation). And thanks a lot to my professor Philipp Pape who mentored my diploma. Thanks a lot to all of you! I wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year.
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That´s the time left to finish my diploma. It´s getting very hard. All in all it´s finished. Now it´s time for fine-tuning and to prepare the colloquium. I think it will be very nice and I´m looking forward to present my diploma and get this stuff out of my head.
I think my movie on the history of the internet will be released here on January, 1st 2009. Like this, the icons. The debugged website will have to wait, because I´ll have to find promotion to pay the programming.
If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files. PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014(ZIP)