PICOL awarded at :output12

Clock Mini IconJuly 6th, 2009 written by

PICOL was awarded at the international competition for students in design and architecture :output12.

Some more icons in the library

Clock Mini IconMay 25th, 2009 written by

I started to add some more icons to the PICOL Icon Library. Feel free to have a look. I added some more invisible features on the side. The automatically generated ZIP-Files now generate the icon name for the file name. I´m still having some problems with the ZIP files and the standard unzipping programm on Macs.
I´m planing some more features, but since I´m no programmer and therefore very slow in programming you have to wait a while.
Have fun downloading!

ToDo Tetris

Clock Mini IconMay 1st, 2009 written by

The Heralds Of Resource Sharing –
Documentary on early networks

Clock Mini IconApril 13th, 2009 written by

For those, who don´t know this documentary. This is an documentary from 1972, about early networks, the ARPANET and the beginning of the Internet. There are a lot of interviews with some of its founders.

In this Wiki-Article you can get further information on the movie.

And on Archive.org you can get a downloadable verion of the movie.

YouTube – Direct link to subtitles
and HD quality

Clock Mini IconApril 9th, 2009 written by

I was really overwhelmed by the success of my movie “History of the Internet”.
I never believed in such a success. Here I want to thank all the people, who made subtitles for the movie. The clip has already 11 subtitles, which can be selected on YouTube. I asked myself how to start the clip, with a certain subtitle, by a direct URL. After looking around for a while I found that piece “hl=en” in the URL, which is the key to this problem.

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If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.

download icon picol PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014

PICOL generator - Mashup icon PICOL generator
by Alessandro Gubitosi

PICOL-Icons made
by Melih Bilgil

All icons are licensed under the Creative Commons-License BY-SA

cc picol icons