Making editable icons for Powerpoint

Clock Mini IconJuly 23rd, 2009 written by

PowerPoint and OpenOffice support eps files, but changing the color of the icons isn´t possible with eps files. If you export your icon as *.emf (Enhanced Metafile) you are able to change the colors with PowerPoint, but you lose all your curves, if you look closely on your icon.

It took me some trials to convert the icons made with Illustrator to make them editable with PowerPoint. It takes a few steps, but it works. Now it´s possible to change the color of the icons with PowerPoint and OpenOffice.

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If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.

download icon picol PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014

PICOL generator - Mashup icon PICOL generator
by Alessandro Gubitosi

PICOL-Icons made
by Melih Bilgil

All icons are licensed under the Creative Commons-License BY-SA

cc picol icons