YouTube – Direct link to subtitles
and HD quality

Clock Mini IconApril 9th, 2009 written by

I was really overwhelmed by the success of my movie “History of the Internet”.
I never believed in such a success. Here I want to thank all the people, who made subtitles for the movie. The clip has already 11 subtitles, which can be selected on YouTube. I asked myself how to start the clip, with a certain subtitle, by a direct URL. After looking around for a while I found that piece “hl=en” in the URL, which is the key to this problem.



By adding for example “&hl=en” to the URL, you can launch the movie directly with English subtitles. For those, who don´t know it, “en” is an code from the ISO 639.1 language code list. By changing the code you can directly link to the other subtitles.



&fs=1 means full-screen enabled. If you want to change that you can turn 1 to 0

High Definition


And here is the best and also the most popular part in a YouTube URL. By adding “&fmt=22” you can launch a clip in HD (720p)

Here is a list of all subtitled versions of the clip “History of the Internet”

Bulgarian (by Andrian Georgiev)
(Doesn´t work as direct link yet.)

Chinese (by Terry Lee)
(Here you have to add “-CN” for China to the language code)

English (by Stefan Badragan)

French (by Arnaud ‘dehy’ DE MOUHY)

German (by me)

Greek (by Pantelis Bouboulis)
(Doesn´t work as direct link yet.)

Italian (by Stefan Badragan)

Polish (by Agnieszka Marciniak)

Portuguese (by Guilherme Euler)

Spanish (by Mauricio Diaz Orlich)

Turkish (by Zeynep Can)
(Doesn´t work as direct link yet.)

If you have tips why these three subtitles don´t work, please post it as comment. Maybe I´m wrong with the language codes.

Update: Maybe this link can help you, too.

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