Creative Commons: What every Educator needs to know

Clock Mini IconFebruary 8th, 2009 written by

Today I found this very nice presentation by Rodd Lucier, where he gives an insight into Creative Commons content and tools. He also mentions the PICOL icons – thanks for that. Have fun watching it.

Pre-release: PICOL-Icons

Clock Mini IconJanuary 19th, 2009 written by

Finally I finished all PICOL-Icons in 32×32 Pixel. It took quite a long time, because of the total number of 517 icons. All icons had to be cleaned up, due to anti-aliasing problems, that occured at the conversion from vector to pixel files. Thanks to Barbara, who helped me cleaning the icons.
After I´ve finished some stuff I´ve to do right now, I´ll continue with the 16×16 Pixel version of the icons.

Please don´t post a link to this file. Instead you can make a link back to or

Feel free to use the icons!

And thanks to all the people, who posted “History of the Internet” on their blogs. I was really surprised and happy about, how fast the movie spread.

History of the Internet

Clock Mini IconJanuary 4th, 2009 written by

Finally I did it! The history of the internet is ready to screen. The movie is told with the help of the PICOL icons. I hope you enjoy it.

For the credits go to my portfolio on
and if you want to see the whole diploma go to

Press the pause button

Clock Mini IconDecember 19th, 2008 written by

2008 is coming to its end. I finished my diploma sucessfully and I´m very happy with it. After 6 months of hard work I will take a break for about 2 weeks. Before I do that I wanted to thank some people who helped me to realize PICOL and the documentary animation “The history of the Internet”. For the programming of I want to thank Christoph Leva and Taro Franke who now finished their great website And of course Kay Märthesheimer and Andreas Münch. For the animation I want to thank Steve Taylor (Speaker), Matthias Grübel (Music) and Karla Vesenmayer (Translation). And thanks a lot to my professor Philipp Pape who mentored my diploma. Thanks a lot to all of you!
I wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year.

Some power left

Clock Mini IconNovember 10th, 2008 written by

That´s the time left to finish my diploma. It´s getting very hard. All in all it´s finished. Now it´s time for fine-tuning and to prepare the colloquium. I think it will be very nice and I´m looking forward to present my diploma and get this stuff out of my head.
I think my movie on the history of the internet will be released here on January, 1st 2009. Like this, the icons. The debugged website will have to wait, because I´ll have to find promotion to pay the programming.

If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.

download icon picol PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014

PICOL generator - Mashup icon PICOL generator
by Alessandro Gubitosi

PICOL-Icons made
by Melih Bilgil

All icons are licensed under the Creative Commons-License BY-SA

cc picol icons