What is Probabilistic Computing?

Clock Mini IconMay 11th, 2010 written by

Just finished a new clip with PICOL icons for Navia Systems, a company which was founded in 2007 by four MIT doctoral students. The company’s goal is to help people make more rational, data-driven decisions by designing and building machines that make good judgements in the presence of uncertainty.
The clip exaplains the concept of probabilistic computing, also known as Bayesian inference. Enjoy watching it.
For more information you can visit the website of Navia Systems.

Here you can watch the clip with some additional information on my portfolio.

John Nack on the “History of the Internet”

Clock Mini IconMarch 9th, 2010 written by

The blog post isn´t really new, but just found some really nice words on the “History of the Internet” on the blog of John Nack — Thanks

Melih Bilgil’s The History of the Internet tells, well, you know, using minimal lines but loads of attention to detail. (The fly-over of Cuba is terrific.) Adobe designer Ethan Eismann writes, “My new personal mission in life is to bring this level or higher of engaging instruction to an Adobe welcome screen near you.”


Clock Mini IconSeptember 17th, 2009 written by

And now clip 3 of 3 – “Überhangmandate” (overhang seat – i hope that´s a correct translation). For further information click here.

Editors: Stephan Trinius, Stefan Lampe (BPB)
V.i.S.d.P: Thorsten Schilling (BPB)
Conception and production: Astrid Reinberger, Melih Bilgil
Speaker: Melanie Pukaß
Appraiser: Christoph Strünck

This movie is licensed under the Creative Commons-License by-nc-nd/3.0/de.
CC 2009 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BPB)

Erst- und Zweitstimme

Clock Mini IconSeptember 17th, 2009 written by

Here you can see clip 2 of 3 – “Erst- und Zweitstimme” (direct vote – for a candidate and indirect vote – for a party). For further information click here.

Editors: Stephan Trinius, Stefan Lampe (BPB)
V.i.S.d.P: Thorsten Schilling (BPB)
Conception and production: Astrid Reinberger, Melih Bilgil
Speaker: Melanie Pukaß
Appraiser: Christoph Strünck

This movie is licensed under the Creative Commons-License by-nc-nd/3.0/de.
CC 2009 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BPB)


Clock Mini IconSeptember 17th, 2009 written by

This clip “Fünf-Prozent-Hürde” (five percent coinsurance clause) is an animation out of a series of three clips. It explains an aspect of the election system in Germany. Together with Astrid Reinberger we made these clips for the Bundeszentrale für polische Bildung (BPB). All clips were made with help of the PICOL signs.
Two other clips, with the title “Überhangmandate” and “Erst- und Zweitstimme” which are already produced, will follow soon. If you can´t wait to see them, you can watch all clips here on the website of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

Editors: Stephan Trinius, Stefan Lampe (BPB)
V.i.S.d.P: Thorsten Schilling (BPB)
Conception and production: Astrid Reinberger, Melih Bilgil
Speaker: Melanie Pukaß
Appraiser: Christoph Strünck

This movie is licensed under the Creative Commons-License by-nc-nd/3.0/de.
CC 2009 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BPB)

If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.

download icon picol PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014

PICOL generator - Mashup icon PICOL generator
by Alessandro Gubitosi

PICOL-Icons made
by Melih Bilgil

All icons are licensed under the Creative Commons-License BY-SA

cc picol icons