October 28th, 2008 written by PICOL

I found a really good speaker for my Documentary “The history of the internet”.
His name is Steve Taylor and on his website you can get some impressions of his voice.
I allready got the recordings and I´m very very happy with it.
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History of the Internet
October 27th, 2008 written by PICOL
All Icons will be released under the creative commons license.
For all of you don´t knowing what this is, can watch the infovideo “Wanna work together” by creative commons.
Tags: Animation, Creative Commons
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July 28th, 2008 written by PICOL

1. A large extendable set of icons.

2. Motiongraphics Clips with icons about the history of the Internet…

Images from http://som.csudh.edu/cis/lpress/history/arpamaps

3. A website for the download and promotion of the iconset.
There is also a 4th 5th and so on part. But this will depend on the time beeing left at the end of my diploma.
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July 28th, 2008 written by PICOL

Each Story digital starts with a Hello World.
This blog is part of my diploma. My intension is to design a open pictorial language, which can be used and modified by everyone. This shall be my part to the standardization of the world wide web and a step ahead to the semiotic web.
The result of my diploma will be an extendable icon-set for people making graphical user interfaces, explaining complex issues with diagrams and whatever they want to do with.
Tags: Icon
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