I found this video by Eirik Solheim on NRKbeta, where he explains the concept of BitTorrent. Though the concept is explained in Norwegian it´s understandable for me, due to the clear diagrams Eirik made. Thanks for this piece. I hope more presentations like that will follow in future.
Eirik Solheim just sent me an interview, where he showed his presentation (I hope that´s right ) in TV program on national TV in Norway.
Just click on the image to see the video. The presentation starts at about 13:00.
The 16×16 pixel mini-icons from PICOL are ready now. It was a load of work, but I think it was worth the work. The most complicated version of the icons is done with this one. I hope you´ll like them.
Please drop me a short line, including a link, if you use them. I´m very interested in how the icons will look in your websites or apps.
Next I´ll start with the vector files in EPS format and will also make SVG versions after that.
Finally I finished all PICOL-Icons in 32×32 Pixel. It took quite a long time, because of the total number of 517 icons. All icons had to be cleaned up, due to anti-aliasing problems, that occured at the conversion from vector to pixel files. Thanks to Barbara, who helped me cleaning the icons.
After I´ve finished some stuff I´ve to do right now, I´ll continue with the 16×16 Pixel version of the icons.
If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.
PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014(ZIP)