BitTorrent explained with PICOL signs
by Eirik Solheim

Clock Mini IconApril 3rd, 2009 written by

I found this video by Eirik Solheim on NRKbeta, where he explains the concept of BitTorrent. Though the concept is explained in Norwegian it´s understandable for me, due to the clear diagrams Eirik made. Thanks for this piece. I hope more presentations like that will follow in future.

BitTorrent for din bestemor

View more presentations from nrkbeta.
Eirik Solheim just sent me an interview, where he showed his presentation (I hope that´s right ) in TV program on national TV in Norway.
Just click on the image to see the video. The presentation starts at about 13:00.

SVG version of PICOL Icons

Clock Mini IconMarch 16th, 2009 written by

Download | PICOL-Icons | Pre-release | SVG | 16-03-2009

UPDATE: Go directly to the download page,
where you´ll find much more icons

All icons again are licensed under
a Creative Commons BY-SA License.

Read the rest of this entry »

iPhone App by Allnight Apps
with PICOL Icons

Clock Mini IconMarch 11th, 2009 written by

Here is one of the examples, which show the PICOL icons in use. It´s an iPhone
App named Hottentot made by allnight apps. The icons are used in the tab bar
of this application.
you can get more information on the use of the PICOL icons in Hottentot.

I´m looking forward for more interesting applications and examples.

Image by Allnight Apps

Pre-Release: PICOL Icons 16 Pixel

Clock Mini IconMarch 7th, 2009 written by

The 16×16 pixel mini-icons from PICOL are ready now. It was a load of work, but I think it was worth the work. The most complicated version of the icons is done with this one. I hope you´ll like them.
Please drop me a short line, including a link, if you use them. I´m very interested in how the icons will look in your websites or apps.
Next I´ll start with the vector files in EPS format and will also make SVG versions after that.

PICOL-Icons | Pre-release | 16×16 Pixel | PNG | 07-03-2009

UPDATE: Go directly to the download page,
where you´ll find all icons

Please don´t post a link to this file. Instead you can make a link back to or

Interview with the
Teacher 2.0 podcast

Clock Mini IconMarch 5th, 2009 written by

After the presentation “Creative Commons: What every Educator needs to know” Rodd Lucier interviewed me on PICOL for the Teacher 2.0 podcast.
I´m sorry for the uhhhs and mhhhs. Normally my English is not that bad and weird
– I was a bit nervous.
Thanks to Rodd, who took the time to make this interview. I hope you like it.

Teacher 2.0 Podcast | Teacher 2.0 Podcast (iTunes) | The Clever Sheep

If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.

download icon picol PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014

PICOL generator - Mashup icon PICOL generator
by Alessandro Gubitosi

PICOL-Icons made
by Melih Bilgil

All icons are licensed under the Creative Commons-License BY-SA

cc picol icons