
Clock Mini IconSeptember 17th, 2009 written by

This clip “Fünf-Prozent-Hürde” (five percent coinsurance clause) is an animation out of a series of three clips. It explains an aspect of the election system in Germany. Together with Astrid Reinberger we made these clips for the Bundeszentrale für polische Bildung (BPB). All clips were made with help of the PICOL signs.
Two other clips, with the title “Überhangmandate” and “Erst- und Zweitstimme” which are already produced, will follow soon. If you can´t wait to see them, you can watch all clips here on the website of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.

Editors: Stephan Trinius, Stefan Lampe (BPB)
V.i.S.d.P: Thorsten Schilling (BPB)
Conception and production: Astrid Reinberger, Melih Bilgil
Speaker: Melanie Pukaß
Appraiser: Christoph Strünck

This movie is licensed under the Creative Commons-License by-nc-nd/3.0/de.
CC 2009 Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (BPB)

History of the Internet

Clock Mini IconJanuary 4th, 2009 written by

Finally I did it! The history of the internet is ready to screen. The movie is told with the help of the PICOL icons. I hope you enjoy it.

For the credits go to my portfolio on
and if you want to see the whole diploma go to

What the heck is a floppy disk?

Clock Mini IconOctober 19th, 2008 written by

“It´s a storage medium, where people saved files on.”
Maybe people talk like this in a few years. The floppy disk isn´t used anymore.
But its shape is still used to symbolize the procedure of saving files.

I thought this would be an easy icon to design, but it wasn´t and still isn´t.
Now I´ve made two alternatives. So, this is an Request for Comment.
I looking forward for your opinions.

Just one thing. The first icon is also used for download. But in fact downloading and saving is quite the same process.

The Internet is a cloud

Clock Mini IconAugust 27th, 2008 written by

If you don´t believe that and also are sceptical on globe icons representing the internet you can download the PICOL internet icon.

If you want to download the Pre-Release of all actual PICOL icons (about 550 icons) as pixel or vector files please download the ZIP-Files.

download icon picol PICOL Release
SVG Vector 01-20-2014

PICOL generator - Mashup icon PICOL generator
by Alessandro Gubitosi

PICOL-Icons made
by Melih Bilgil

All icons are licensed under the Creative Commons-License BY-SA

cc picol icons